Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Audition results are in...

For the past several weeks, I've been sleeping the fitful sleep of someone who doesn't know their own future. Of course none of us actually knows what the future will hold for us, but I was dealing with the specific question of 'Did I get the Billy Currington gig?'. Well, yesterday, two weeks after auditioning I finally got the call. I'm happy to report that Billy Currington does have a new bass player, but I'm sad to report that it's not me. The band leader called me with the news that I had been in the top 2, but that Billy had, for whatever reason, decided to go with the other guy.

It would be easy in this situation to hyper-analyze every little thing that I did during the audition, what I wore, how much I smiled, what jokes I told, what I ate for breakfast that day, how much coffee I drank before the audition (3 cups minimum), etc. etc. But every audition is different and every job is different and if you spend all your time thinking about what you could have done differently you'll never find yourself. What I do know is that I did a great job in the audition and that whatever the factor was that caused Billy to pick the other guy it certainly wasn't my playing or my singing. The next time I'm lucky enough to get another high-profile audition I'm not going to change a drop. I'm gonna do just what I did for this audition, learn the tunes, show up on time, tune my bass, and rock their faces off. Eventually, that's bound to land me a gig!

For now, I can finally get some long overdue sleep!

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